Londonezul Nick G. Silverthorn, 48 de ani, a suferit tăieturi serioase care au sângerat „peste 20 de minute”, după ce a folosit un aparat de ras Wilkinson Sword cumpărat de la un supermarket Sainsbury’s. Accidentul l-a „traumatizat” pe grădinarul britanic, care a dat în judecată producătorul. După investigații, compania i-a oferit o înțelegere de 5.000 […]
The text indicates a "Too Many Requests" error, meaning the user or IP address ( has sent too many requests to the service within a short period, resulting in temporary unavailability.
The provided information further states that the error occurred on January 9, 2025, at 23:19:43 GMT.
Though the text cuts off, it seems to be implying that this error may be related to a news story about a Brit receiving compensation from a razor company.
The text indicates a "Too Many Requests" error, meaning the user or IP address ( has sent too many requests to the service within a short period, resulting in temporary unavailability. The provided information further states that the error occurred on January 9, 2025, at 23:19:43 GMT. Though the text cuts off, it seems to be implying that this error may be related to a news story about a Brit receiving compensation from a razor company.